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Made from fermented grapes or other fruits, wine is an alcoholic beverage. During the fermentation processes, yeast consumes the sugars in the grapes converting it into alcohol. Different grapes produce different wines. Winemakers will combine different wines to create more complex flavors. Wines made from fruit or honey are often named according to the variety of fruit used.

Red wine varietals produce deep ruby reds as well as subtle ambers and browns. Their beautiful colors hint at the coming change in the season. With that, we can look for delicious menu changes, too. Besides, what better way to enjoy a great bottle of wine than by pairing it with excellent company and food.

Winemakers produce white wines from grapes with light yellow-green skins or light red skins. However, it’s not the color of the grapes that give the wine its color. It’s the tannins in the grape skins that color wine red and also the flavor. White wines are generally sweeter than red wines and are best served chilled. Most red wines are served at room temperature. However, a sweet red should also be chilled for the best flavor.

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At Decena Home Care, We are passionate and committed to providing excellent quality in-home services to help seniors enjoy their "golden years". Our company provides competent, trustworthy, and compassionate caregivers.

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