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important to take several factors into account when planning to travel with your elderly friend or family member. While their advanced age is one element to keep in mind, you should consider their health, abilities, and mobility when deciding whether a flight, cross-country road trip, or just a staycation would be the best option to keep them safe. With proper planning, you can enjoy your vacation and foster a deeper connection with an elderly loved one.

What to Prepare for When Planning a Vacation with an Elderly Individual

It’s important to keep your loved one’s comfort and capabilities in mind when you decide to take them with you on a vacation. Put yourself in their shoes, as they may have difficulties with mobility, medical conditions, disabilities, or cognitive problems. Travel decisions should consider these things to reduce the risk of travel-related illnesses or injuries.

Traveling & Mobility Concerns

When determining whether your aging companion should come on vacation, consider how much walking or exercise you will be doing and how much they can comfortably tolerate. If they need extra assistance or use medical equipment such as a wheelchair, you’ll need to take that into account when planning certain activities.


raveling with an Elderly Person with Dementia

Going on a trip with someone who has dementia can be a complicated endeavor. Memory loss and cognitive difficulties may make it difficult for an older adult with dementia to enjoy a vacation, especially in an unfamiliar environment. If your elderly friend or family member suffers from dementia, it would be best to leave them at home with the necessary arrangements for care to help protect their quality of life.

Planning Ahead Is Key When Planning a Trip with a Mature Family Member or Friend

Keep in mind that nothing is a hard-and-fast deal breaker when taking your loved one on a trip unless they are very frail and require round-the-clock care. Think through what your deal breakers are for taking a loved one on a trip, especially if it’s someone you haven’t seen in a while and aren’t familiar with their sleeping, eating, and medication routine. Thinking ahead and adding extra time to your itinerary can save you a lot of stress by making sure you and your loved one have ample time to relax and enjoy your trip.

At Decena Home Care, we offer companion services to provide travel assistance to you during your trips outside of Virginia. We offer safety supervision and ensure your trip is comfortable and enjoyable for you. We can pick you up at your home or meet you at your departure airport and provide travel assistance with all aspects of your trip.

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